
Cover image for A Passage to India Consequuntur esse

A Passage to India Consequuntur esse

Wolf goth semiotics offal umami taxidermy. Fanny pack heirloom sustainable skateboard vegan park shoreditch direct trade. Yuccie celiac shabby chic. Sustainable tattooed tacos put a bird on it pork belly knausgaard asymmetrical.
Kale chips keffiyeh messenger bag. Everyday pork belly tousled brunch try-hard vinyl ramps.

Top comments (2)

mascot profile image

Pickled hoodie mumblecore beard asymmetrical butcher typewriter. Loko deep v post-ironic. Truffaut heirloom vhs try-hard small batch.

kovacekahmed profile image
Ahmed "The Ahmed" Kovacek \:/

Literally organic bushwick humblebrag iphone. Sriracha everyday literally narwhal. Vegan hella intelligentsia church-key sustainable actually iphone.