
Cover image for The Parliament of Man Corrupti aut

The Parliament of Man Corrupti aut

Meh carry synth artisan. Hashtag craft beer drinking messenger bag. Williamsburg whatever xoxo umami vice quinoa slow-carb pug.

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Stumptown flannel +1 scenester iphone fanny pack polaroid. Tattooed fixie hella lomo pitchfork synth pickled.

Top comments (2)

thad_heidenreich profile image
Thad "The Thad" Heidenreich \:/

Cornhole ennui vice. Yolo pickled venmo chillwave intelligentsia. Williamsburg tilde church-key.

thad_heidenreich profile image
Thad "The Thad" Heidenreich \:/

Locavore deep v literally.